“Hey, my name is Kali.”
我当然知道你是谁啦,我心里想,思绪凌乱。“You can call me GD.”
“You are always so early.”
“Yup, just after my training, don’t feel like going back to hostel, so… ya…”
“I heard you are a swimmer… and a lifeguard too… right?”
“Haha, you can’t tell from my body right? I’m just too thin. Haha, a disgrace to my team really.”
“Your body look great!”
我心里想,你这家伙还真敢!“Thanks anyway!”
结果还是他先开口,“Hey, I’m from management school, so I have totally no experience in performing arts. I took this paper out of my interest, but I found it difficult to understand some of the lectures…”
我心里想,来了来了,竟然这么快就要使出KK那一招了吗?“Em hmm…”
“So I’m thinking if it’s possible, can I borrow your notes, well just to compare notes…”
“Well, ok… but I didn’t bring it with me today wor… how?”
“If you don’t mind I can go over to your hostel tomorrow night to collect it, maybe I can also take that time to ask you about some parts of the notes that I’m not clear with… can?”
“Haha, sure can!”
“So, I’ll just knock on your door tomorrow ok!”
“Sure, no problem.”
“You don’t know about my room number and the hostel I stay in, how are you going to find me huh?”
他仿佛像做了错事的小孩被揭穿般的模样,腼腆的笑笑说,“Ya hor, where do you stay actually huh?”
看到他的笑容,还有深深的梨窝,我心想,好帅的男生哦!“I’m staying at Desa Aman, room 207.”
“OK… thanks!”
“So, tomorrow is it? About what time you’ll be coming?”
“9 something or 10… depends on whether you are free during that time…”
“I will be in whole night, so you come around 9 should be fine!”
3 days ago
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